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Join us in Miami and get the best of inspiration and innovation at our 2-day global gathering of expert customer success practitioners and innovative customer journey creators.

Welcome to Miami

Dive right into a dynamic, engaging program that’s interactive and community-led so you can create and exchange CS best practices and tools to drive your individual growth and the collective success of our industry.

A collaborative experience
Come together with customer success managers, developers, customer journey designers, and data integration and implementation leads to create unique engagement models that generate customer value. Discover how Composable Customer Success enables organizations to scale and grow through automation, personalization, real-time monitoring, and optimization.

Best of all, it takes place in Miami, a global epicenter of arts, entertainment, creativity, and culture!

Get best-in-class coaching

Access powerful insights from industry thought leaders and experts that you can immediately act on to drive growth and better customer outcomes. Plus, get hands-on training and tips from Totango experts.

Work through powerful customer success plays

Dig into real-world scenarios (good, bad, and ugly) and get DIY how-tos that you can drive customer success faster with SuccessBLOC templates and simple automated tools.

Find allies and build bonds

Network, collaborate, and share with your favorite CS peers and new faves. See if your team’s a winner with the Customer Success Hero Awards!

Live your best life with fun and sun

Enjoy a refreshing, leisurely stay on Miami Beach and explore the arts, architecture, and fashion in the Miami Design District.

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