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Elements of Value in Technology Service Offers

June 26, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

| Free
This webinar reveals cutting-edge trends in technology and services offering management, spotlighting how market pacesetters monetize value within their service offerings. Drawing on extensive insights from our ongoing collaboration with TSIA member companies, we’ll examine how specific elements of value are being designed into service offers and portfolios.
In our work with TSIA member companies, we are frequently asked questions such as, “Which elements of value should we be placing in our offer?” or “How are companies monetizing the value of features like data/analytics, customer success management, security assessments, etc.?” For over a decade, TSIA has tracked the representation of value categories within industry service offerings.
We will highlight TSIA’s 12 Layers of Value and Managed Services Offer Continuum frameworks, which provide a powerful foundation for understanding service offer trends across the industry. You’ll also have an opportunity to participate in our exclusive study, Elements of Value in Technology Service Offers. By contributing, you’ll receive actionable insights based on an industry-wide study, and your input will help shape the industry’s understanding of customer value across support, education, field, professional, managed, and adoption services.

This insightful webinar and survey will empower you to:
– Craft compelling service offer portfolios that resonate with your target market.

– Deliver a differentiated, value-driven customer experience.
– Maximize profit through comprehensive service offer monetization.
– Pinpoint the most in-demand value categories on the market.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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