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Companies continuously look for ways to keep pace with market changes and stay ahead of the competition as they expand and grow their financial footprint. There are many obstacles for businesses to overcome such as changing economic conditions, increasing inflation, and attracting and retaining employees with the appropriate skills—all while ensuring they are focused on the right opportunities. A quicker financial close can help provide more time to focus on strategic activities and enable companies to respond more readily to changing business and economic conditions.

Join us for a 60-minute live webinar to hear from our Oracle and customer panelists as they share their experiences, success stories, and best practices to achieve effective and efficient financial period close processes. You’ll learn how Oracle can help you speed up your financial close to ensure your business is successful at saving time and costs, while also adapting to the changing climate faster.
The session will explore:

  • Biggest obstacles for a quicker financial close
  • Components of speeding up the financial period close
  • Gains in terms of technology, people, and process
  • Examples of successful customer financial period close

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