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Thinking about how to turn your business model into a subscription business model? Do you want to avoid churn, increase retention and encourage your customers to use your product or service more intensively? Do you want your customers to increase their efficiency, generate more sales or reduce costs through you?

Then our online seminar “Level Up Customer Success” might be interesting for you:

✅ Learn the basics of CSM in an online course in preparation for the online seminar (duration: approx. 3 hours)

✅ In the online seminar, the focus is on the practical implementation of the content (three 2-hour online sessions; Fridays from 9-11 am).

✅ Together, best practice examples will be discussed, e.g. based on case studies with Salesforce and Camunda.

✅ Interactive elements promote exchange and networking with the other Customer Success Managers.

▶ Register now until 01.04.2023 (info@customersuccess-academy.de), places are limited.

Register through Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/events/7036954340477038592/comments/

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