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The working world has changed and so must technology. Outdated Employee Monitoring solutions that rely on intrusive surveillance techniques breach employee privacy and erode trust.
The net result is often a culture of skepticism, caution, and doubt amongst a workforce. With the Work-from-Anywhere movement here to stay however, the need for senior leadership and management to learn from, protect, and respect the workforce is more important than ever.
Join Rajan Koo, Chief Customer Success Officer with DTEX Systems, and a special guest from the digital transformation practice at the one of the world’s leading consulting organizations as they discuss:
-The results of PwC’s recently published ‘The Future of Work’ research;
-The established requirement for privacy;
-The opportunities workforce intelligence offers organizations to accelerate digital transformation initiatives and supercharge human capital management programs;
-And how contextual behavioral intelligence fosters better outcomes for employees and the organization.

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