Free Trial Request

Practical CSM Academy

Welcome to the Practical CSM Academy Free Trial Request page, exclusively available to Team Leaders. This unique opportunity allows you to explore our comprehensive Customer Success Management training programs for two weeks, completely free of charge. 

What You Get:

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★ Two-Week Access: Experience unrestricted access to our acclaimed training resources for a full two weeks.

★ Up to Two Users: As a team leader, you can register yourself and one other team member for this trial period. 

★ Managerial Oversight Option: Choose to designate one or both users as managers, enabling access to our team reporting tools for a more comprehensive overview of progress and performance. 

Exclusively for Team Leaders

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This trial is designed specifically for those in leadership roles, ensuring that the tools and insights gained are aligned with managerial responsibilities and objectives.

How to Start Your Trial

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  1. Complete the Form: Fill in the required fields below with your details.
  2. Submit Your Request: Once you click submit, our dedicated support team will promptly process your request.
  3. Receive Your Login Details: We will set up your account and send you the login information, granting you immediate access to our platform.

Access Premium Content

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During your trial, you will gain full access to: 

★ Certified CSM Professional Program Level 4: Dive into advanced concepts and strategies in customer success management. 

★ CPD Library: Explore over 300 hours of content, designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in the field. 

Retain Your Progress

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Should you decide to continue with our training programs post-trial, rest assured that all your progress during the trial period will be seamlessly integrated into your ongoing learning journey. 

PCSM Academy Trial Request Form

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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

Contact Person Details


Company Details

Student Information

First Name
Last Name
Manager (Yes/No)