Your Dream Job is More Attainable Than You Think. Here’s Why

A sponsored guest article by Jay Makarov, CEO of Talentway

“Fierce.” If we had one word to describe the 2024 job market competition, that’s it. 

And there are no signs of this changing in the near future. 500 to 1,000 candidates apply for one remote position. 

If you’re applying for dozens of jobs to no avail, it’s because every posting is pulling these numbers. You’re one in 1,000, and that makes it near impossible to capture a hiring manager’s attention.

Now…imagine you’re a top-1% candidate for this role. Your qualifications match the JD exactly. And the ATS sorts your application straight to the top of the pool.

That’s the power of a Dream Job. 

When you align your skills, interests, goals, and values with your career pathway, landing a role is much, much easier.

Personal Hedgehog, by Jim Collins

There are several theories about how to determine your zone of success. Business consultant and researcher Jim Collins formulated his own 3-circle model — the “Hedgehog Concept”:

According to Collins, you should aim for the middle of this Venn diagram — the perfect mix between what you love, what you do best, and what people will pay you to do.

At Talentway, Collins, Ray Dalio, and other great thinkers inspired us to discover the true nature of the Dream Job and build a job-matching algorithm around it. 

But we realized that the current models are not detailed or complete enough to build technology around them. So we created our own model.

Dream Job Model, by Talentway

At Talentway, we describe “job matching” from a career seeker’s perspective through a pyramid, where the coveted Dream Job is at the top.

“Random” Job

A Random Job is one that only fulfills the bare minimum — you agree on the terms and they pay you. In this situation, you and the company don’t really benefit each other and the interaction isn’t based on emotional immersion. And you didn’t do much thinking before taking it.

When you have a Random Job, you:

  • Are likely working in a field unrelated to your interests or skills
  • Don’t see yourself staying with the company long-term
  • May feel unfulfilled and disconnected from your work

“Temporary” Job

When you have the minimum set of right skills to hold this position for some time, you have a Temporary Job. With these jobs, a mismatch in values and culture keeps you from staying for the long haul, but you’re willing to tough it out until something better comes along. Every day you come to work and ask yourself: “What on Earth am I even doing here?”

With a Temporary Job, you:

  • Have some related skills and experience, but not enough for a permanent position
  • Don’t see yourself growing or advancing within the company
  • Feel like you’re just “marking time” until you find something better

“Ordinary” Job

When you have an Ordinary Job, your work environment suits you nicely. You feel supported and the company aligns with your goals. But, for one reason or another, your performance is lacking. There’s a lot of pressure, and you constantly struggle. It feels like you’re on the right path, but you’re stuck.

With an Ordinary Job, you:

  • Have a fundamental understanding of the company and its values
  • Enjoy your work environment and colleagues
  • Struggle with performance or fulfilling your potential in the role

The “Right” Job

Aligning your monetizable skills and your talents changes everything. It turns an Ordinary Job into the Right Job — one that fits your capabilities and personality. When you’re here, you exceed expectations because you have the right talents for the role. You learn and grow fast because it feels more natural. You’re satisfied because you find it easier to shine.

With the Right Job, you:

  • Have a strong understanding of your own strengths and interests
  • Are able to utilize your skills and abilities effectively
  • Feel fulfilled and motivated in your work

Your “Dream” Job

The top of the pyramid is where everyone wants to be – at their Dream Job. When you complement the other levels of the pyramid with passion, it brings you to this point. When you have your Dream Job, you wake up in the morning with a strong drive to do. Your WHY shows up at work every day. From the outside, it looks like you have endless energy. You inspire everyone around you. You naturally take initiative and become a leader, even without the corresponding title.

When you land your Dream Job, you:

  • Have a deep passion for the work and the company
  • Are constantly motivated and energized by your role
  • Inspire those around you and become a leader in your field

So how can I find my Dream Job?

The bad news: there’s no shortcut. You have to put in the effort and do some soul-searching (not to mention, a few risks and make bold moves). Otherwise, you’ll wind up being one in a thousand applicants, competing for the same position.

The good news: You can use Talentway’s Dream job matching algorithm to guide you through the process of finding that perfect-fit CSM role. By factoring in your skills, interests, goals, and values, we match you with open job opportunities that align with what you’re looking for.

Whether or not you take advantage of that opportunity? Now that’s up to you.

Make your first step towards your dream job today.

By Published On: May 21st, 2024Categories: Latest Articles

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