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We spend a lot of time gathering and chasing data. We have the feeling that the more we know the better when it comes to customer decisions. And this is correct but more often than not we do not take the time to understand “the reason why” behind the data. We do not correlate the quantitative data with the qualitative part. How can you influence a number if you do not understand its story? The story is usually given by the customer.

On the 2nd of August at 11:00 EDT* we crack the code of qualitative research with Anita Toth and share a few tips on how we get started and how we leverage user interviews when fighting churn.

Sneak preview of our talking points:

  • How do we find out the real motivation behind a customer’s decision?
  • When do we start asking the right questions?
  • How do we leverage the data we gather in customer interviews?
  • How do we connect the dots to reduce churn?

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