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Building and managing a customer support function for a growing E-commerce brand is not for everyone. From staffing and hiring decisions, taking calls on which channels to focus on, and deciding whether to outsource it or build an in-house team, the variables in the equation are just a lot. Oh, let’s not even get into the attrition problem.

But it is irrefutable that figuring out customer support operations is an inflection point in the scaling journey of an E-commerce brand. It’s probably not the most easiest problem, but a problem that probably separates a 7-figure brand and a 9-figure brand.

As customer support leaders prepare for the most exciting half of 2022, we are bringing to you the playbook and framework that helped Snow set up and scale a world-class customer support function.

Tune in as Thomas McCray, Director of Customer Success at Snow shares actionable advice on:

  • How to structure your CS team as you scale and How to create micro pods in the CS team to improve engagement and efficiency.
  • Approaching multi-channel support and the right SLAs for each channel.
  • Importance of agent experience and how to nail it right.
  • How to set up the right goals and measurements for smooth operations.

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