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🚨 Did you miss it!? 🚨
Not many did, that was one great conversation on Account Management.

For those that did, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/AsF6UGRIITc

But don’t be a fool and miss the follow-up talking all about Customer Success!

We will take time to work with you, the community, to better understand the difference between Account Management and Customer Success.

We will take time to understand how to exceed expectations with your clienst:
– Defining What it is
– KPIs that measure Success
– How to Scale it
– How to not blur the lines with things like vCIO
– Create safeguards to protect from churn!

Stay tuned, as we will also be doing the same with vCIO in late April and can be registered for here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8GhKplBOQjufMvguzcNYgg

See you all than!

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