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THE VAULT: Secrets of CS Leaders

​”Doing the right things”

​​Its a cliche as old as time — “doing more with less” — we’d rather think about it as “doing the right things”.

​Every business is different and every customer success leader has different challenges – but do we really?

​Join us in THE VAULT for an evening where we bring 40 Customer Success Leaders together for a private dinner – sharing secrets and helping one another make an impact.

​​Our prompt to carry our discussion:

What scaled customer success programs are you planning to build to drive impact with your customers in 2023?

​​Trinity Place

Thursday, June 8

6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

​​​This dinner is sponsored by ​Higher Logic Vanilla & Totango.

Higher Logic Vanilla exists to connect B2B technology brands to their customers that enhance the customer experience.

​​Totango is the industry’s only Composable Customer Success platform, built on a modular foundation with embedded best practices to meet you where you are today and grow with you as a business needs change.

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