Thinking Like a CEO

How Smart CS Leaders Foster Success

Are you a Customer Success Leader looking to take your team and customers to the next level while making an impact on your organization’s objectives?  

Unlocking the next level of success for your Customer Success team and organization is achievable with a CEO mindset. In this article, we’ll examine how CS Leaders can successfully foster success by adopting key strategies from CEOs such as revenue growth, cost management, goal setting, performance measurement, and data-driven decision-making.  

Ready for an exciting journey toward reaching new heights in leadership? Read on! 

What are CEOs Concerned About?  

According to the Deloitte CEO Survey, revenue growth, cost management, and building a strong team are among the key concerns of top executives. While these may seem like lofty goals that only concern upper management, they actually have a significant impact on the work of Customer Success Leaders.  

By understanding the CEO’s perspective and adopting a CEO mindset, CS Leaders can play a pivotal role in driving success for their team, their customers, and their organization as a whole. So, let’s take a closer look at these top concerns. 

Revenue Growth:  

Revenue growth is the lifeblood of any business, and CEOs are acutely aware of this fact. They know that the success of their organization depends on bringing in more money than they spend and that revenue growth is the key to achieving this goal.  

But it’s not just about making a profit; revenue growth allows companies to invest in new products, expand their operations, and ultimately provide more value to their customers. For CEOs, revenue growth isn’t just a metric to track; it’s a vital sign of the health and vitality of their business. 

Managing Costs:  

Managing costs is a critical concern for CEOs as it directly impacts the bottom line of the company. CEOs are responsible for ensuring that their organization is operating efficiently and cost-effectively. By managing costs, CEOs can optimize the use of available resources, reduce waste, and increase profitability.  

Additionally, managing costs allows CEOs to invest in growth opportunities and new initiatives that can drive revenue and expand the business. Ultimately, by managing costs, CEOs can create a sustainable business model that can withstand economic uncertainties and provide long-term success for the company. 

Building a Strong Team:  

Ultimately, a company’s success hinges on the people who make it run. A CEO knows that a team that works well together, is aligned with the company’s values and goals, and has the right mix of skills and expertise can drive exceptional results.  

When employees feel invested in their work and supported by their colleagues, they are more motivated, more productive, and more likely to stay with the company for the long term.  

A strong team also helps to create a culture of excellence, which can attract top talent and make the company a more desirable place to work. In short, a CEO understands that a strong team is the foundation of a successful organization. 

Why Should a Customer Success Leader Think Like a CEO?  

While the day-to-day responsibilities of a CS Leader may seem far removed from those of a CEO, the two roles have more in common than you might think. Both are responsible for driving the success of the organization, and by thinking like a CEO, CS Leaders can better align their team’s efforts with the overall goals of the company and drive success for their organization and their customers.  

Here are some specific ways that smart CS leaders can foster success by adopting a CEO mindset: 

1. Embrace Strategic Thinking 

One way that CS Leaders can think like CEOs is by embracing strategic thinking. CEOs are responsible for setting the strategic direction of their company, and CS Leaders should consider how their work contributes to this larger picture. This means looking at both short-term objectives while keeping in mind long-term goals. By understanding company goals, it’s possible to prioritize tasks accordingly so that each effort has maximum impact. 

2. Set Clear Goals and Priorities  

In addition, successful CS Leaders must set clear goals and priorities for themselves and their teams. This helps everyone stay focused on what needs to be accomplished while giving them something tangible to aim towards. It also allows leaders to communicate progress towards these goals effectively so that everyone involved is motivated by small successes along the way. 

3. Emphasize Innovation 

Innovation is also a crucial factor in driving growth and staying competitive; thus, smart CS Leaders should emphasize it within their teams. This involves identifying areas of improvement or new products that could potentially benefit the organization’s customers in some way or another. After all, providing innovative solutions keeps customers satisfied – one of the main drivers of any business’s success. 

4. Build Strong Relationships 

Moreover, building strong relationships with customers is integral for CEOs, CS Leaders, and CSMs alike. Achieving this requires an understanding of customer needs, pain points, etc., and actively addressing any issues that arise before they become major problems or escalate into bigger issues that could undermine trust between customer/company relationships. Being proactive in this manner helps create a positive customer experience – one which leads to increased loyalty over time. 

5. Measure Performance 

Finally, effective measurement is key when it comes to driving success as a Customer Success Leader. By tracking key metrics such as customer retention rate, expansion revenue, customer satisfaction score (NPS), etc., you can gain valuable insights into which areas may need improvement or where additional efforts may be necessary in order to retain existing customers while attracting new ones as well.  

Additionally, data enables more informed decision-making when identifying potential opportunities for growth or when evaluating options prior to taking action on something specific related to customer success initiatives within your team or the project you are managing at the moment or working on in general. 


Adopting a CEO mindset can help CS Leaders to better align their efforts with the overall goals of the company and drive success for their team and customers. If you want your team to be successful then it’s important for you as a CS leader to adopt many of the same principles that CEOs use when managing their organizations: strategic thinking; setting clear goals/priorities; emphasizing innovation; building strong relationships with customers; being proactive; using data-driven decision-making; and measuring performance regularly & accurately – all components required for sustainable growth & profitability no matter what sector you operate within 

If you’re interested in learning more about how to think like a CEO and foster success as a CS leader, I encourage you to check out Practical CSM’s two-part series on the topic. 

How about you? What steps can you take today to start thinking more like a CEO and driving success for your team and customers? 

By Published On: March 15th, 2023Categories: Latest Articles

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